Finding Comfort in the Storm
A Boy and a Canoe
I think I was seven, and my family was visiting my grandpa on a small lake in Michigan. Our family took a canoe out on the water for what was supposed to be a calm experience. On the way back, a lightning storm came up unexpectedly. My parents didn’t want my sister and me in a metal canoe during a lightning storm, so my dad dropped my mom, sister and I off down shore. We made our way back, but this turned out to be harder than expected as we had to walk through a cornfield. My dad was able to avoid getting struck by lightning as he paddled the canoe back alone. He ended up arriving back to our shelter before us, and as you can imagine, he was very worried about us. This experience would prove to be memorable, but its real significance would not be revealed to me until 30 years later.
Open Doors
If you had to choose one word to describe your relationship with God, what would it be? For some, maybe it would be savior or maybe heaven or perhaps religion. For me, this one word would be, INTIMACY. But how does one go about developing intimacy with God, someone that can’t be seen or touched? In my experience, Worship IS the Gateway to Intimacy. I like The Message version of Psalm 34:9 as it tells us that Worship opens doors to God’s goodness. Worship postures you and me before God in a way that opens doors to Greater Intimacy with God.
“Worship GOD if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness.” Psalm 34:9 MSG
Come to Me Just the Way You Are
I love Jesus words to the Samaritan woman in John, chapter 4. Listen close, and you will hear the compassion in His voice as He responds to her question about where people should Worship.
“Believe me, woman, the time is coming when you Samaritans will worship the Father neither here at this mountain nor there in Jerusalem. You worship guessing in the dark; we Jews worship in the clear light of day. God’s way of salvation is made available through the Jews. But the time is coming—it has, in fact, come—when what you’re called will not matter and where you go to worship will not matter. “It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your Worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their Worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration.” John 4:23-24 MSG
A lot is going on in these two verses. However, for the purposes of this devotion, I just want to focus on what Jesus is saying about Worship. There are three things that I see from the scripture:
Worship is not confined to a specific place or location.
When we Worship God, we are free to be ourselves. We can come into God’s presence just the way we are.
God is looking for people who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth.
30 Years Later
Fast forward 30 years from the time our family took that trip to Lake Michigan. For several weeks in a row, I found myself very emotional during Worship at church. You see, I had been praying for healing for a coworker who was dealing with life-threatening medical issues. However, this wasn’t just about saying a few quick prayers and then moving on. This was pleading with God daily to heal my friend and to give him more time to enter into a right relationship with the Lord. One Sunday, during Worship, I found myself emotionally and spiritually exhausted. It was in that moment that the Lord reminded me of that Lake Michigan canoe trip. He didn’t just remind me of that memory, but He took that memory and remapped it into a new place of intimacy that I could go to during Worship anytime I need comfort and healing. Below is my best attempt at describing this place of intimacy.
Me - Lord, where are you? Why did you bring me out on this water only to be thrown about by this storm? I am so tired that I don’t think I can keep going.
Jesus - I know how much you want this. Do you trust me? Put your oar in the water on the right side and paddle. Paddle until you hit land, and then I will show you the way.
Me - I can’t see where I am going, but I will do what you say. Please take away this storm. Finally, LAND. But where is the path? Where are you, Lord? I am desperate for your presence.
Jesus - Follow my light. Close your eyes and run toward the light. Let the heat of my presence guide you.
Me - Lord, is that you? Thank you for leading me to this place. I love you. I love you. The fire you prepared is so warm and comforting.
Jesus - Come, my friend, and sit down next to me. Let me put my loving arms around you. I know how much you want this and how tired you are. I am so proud of you and your compassionate heart. Rest in my presence. This place is just for you and me.
Honestly, if that experience was the only time the Lord allowed me to experience this place of intimacy, I would be eternally grateful. The truth is that the Lord Jesus has allowed me to come back to this place of intimacy countless times over the last few years. This time alone with Him has led to great intimacy, comfort, and healing.
The next time you enter into a time of Worship, no matter where you are. Close your eyes, surrender your heart, and ask the Lord to reveal something new to you. Maybe He will remind you of a previous experience like He did for me? Perhaps He will give you a vision of something new to come? Whatever He chooses to reveal will be unique to YOU. He loves you so much and craves spending time with you. Lean into Worship, and you will find comfort, healing, and intimacy like you have never known before.
Sample Prayer
Lord, thank you for the gift of Worship. I surrender my heart to you. Reveal to me what you have for me today. I am yours, and I will do whatever you ask of me.
Featured Music
Bethel Music & Jenn Johnson - In Over My Head (Spontaneous) [Live]
I have listened to this song dozens and dozens of times. The Lord has used the song to speak to me in so many different ways, but the first few lines so perfectly describe the desire of my heart. “And I have come to this place in my life/ I’m full but I am not satisfied/ This longing to have more of you/ It’s a heart cry Jesus. Oh and I can feel it my heart is convinced/ I am thirsting and my soul can’t be quenched/ You already know this but still/ Come and do whatever you want to.”
About the Author
Nathan Miller
You may know me as a husband, father, son, brother, friend, mentor, ultra marathoner runner, NBA basketball enthusiast, fan of all things tech, music lover and writer. However, the life blood that flows through everything that I strive to be comes from a desire for greater intimacy with Jesus Christ. He is my Savior, my Provider, my Lord and most of all my best friend.