Personal Reflection: You may FEEL alone, You are NOT alone, You were NEVER alone - Part 2
Runningš + Prayer š + Music š§ = Intimacy With God
Feelings. Oh, how they have the power to play tricks on my mind. Feelings left unchecked feed physical, relational, and spiritual isolation. I feel alone, so I must be alone, right? No! You are NOT alone, I am NOT alone, no matter what our feelings tell us.
Take a minute to re-read part one of this devotional series, where we look at two simple steps we can all take towards healing. In short, tell God how you are feeling. No filters. No perfect wording. He is a BIG God and can handle your true feelings. And then, let Him lead you to a close friend that you can share honestly with about how you are feeling.
The second song that the Lord used to speak to me on the topic of loneliness is by far my favorite song of 2020. Honestly, it isn't even close. I have listened to this song hundreds of times since it was released earlier this year. Matt Maher's - "Light the Way" has so many layers and speaks to SO many of God's ways, but for the purposes of this devotion, we will look closer at the five lines below.
Thereās a song of resurrection
Hope that fills the weary soul
You have made your home inside, Iām not alone
In the shadow of the valley
Your word a lamp when I canāt see
Matt Maher - Light The Way
You Are Not Alone
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus IS the hope that we can cling to in this life and the next. The first book of Peter records it this way, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," (1 Peterā¬ ā1:3ā¬ āESVā¬ā¬). What area of your life needs transformed by the "living hope" of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus today?
No matter how alone you and I may feel, Jesus is closer than our next breath. He is the friend that we can count on regardless of our circumstances. Even when we feel completely isolated, abandoned by all, and left for dead - the TRUTH is that He has taken up permanent residency in our heart, and we are no longer alone. Where do you need the TRUTH about your relationship with Jesus to push back the exhausting FEELINGS of being alone?
As we walk through dark days, it can be challenging to see a clear path ahead. When we can't see a way forward, we take back control of our lives from God and forge ahead into the darkness. In the darkness, God has given us a weapon - The Bible - to overcome our loneliness, if we will only allow it to be our "lamp shining in a dark place" (āā2 Peterā¬ ā1:19ā¬ āESVā¬). ā¬On our darkest days, the Word of God shines like a lighthouse guiding us back to shore. Where do you feel desperate for God's light to blaze a way forward onto your dark path?
Sample Prayer
Lord, thank you that my feelings don't have to dictate my actions. Thank you for never leaving me alone and for always being by my side. On my darkest days, lead me back to your Word and the Truth of your life, death and resurrection.
Featured Music
Matt Maher - Light The Way
About the Author
Nathan Miller
You may know me as a husband, father, son, brother, friend, mentor, ultra marathoner runner, NBA basketball enthusiast, fan of all things tech, music lover and writer. However, the life blood that flows through everything that I strive to be comes from a desire for greater intimacy with Jesus Christ. He is my Savior, my Provider, my Lord and most of all my best friend.