A Fruitful Garden of Generosity
“Such is the end of all who are greedy for gain; it takes away the life of its possessors.” Proverbs 1:19 NRSV
Verses 10-18 of Proverbs chapter one remind us how easily we can be lured away into a life consumed by greed. The desire for more and more possessions has a way of multiplying upon itself. Like a giant python that can take weeks to digest its prey, greed slowly and ever so subtly consumes our thoughts, energy, and finally, our hearts. The condition of our hearts cannot be both generous and greedy at the same time.
The discipline of simplicity protects against falling into the cultural rhythm of accumulation without boundaries. Accumulation without boundaries is destined to give birth to greed. But a life of simplicity with a constant eye on the poor and marginalized is sure to be a fruitful garden of generosity. As the years pass by, generational fruit will blossom, changing lives forever, ultimately helping to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
What would it look like if our lives were known for generosity? What a difference it might make if our eyes never wandered from the needs of the poor and marginalized? What if our hands remained open, never possessing wealth - simply stewarding it well for a season and then letting it slip through our fingers with no fear of tomorrow?