Prayer is Like a Beautiful String of Pearls
“Pray without ceasing,” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 NRSV
Maybe your experience with prayer is typically confined to a building when you gather with other believers each week for worship. Or perhaps your prayer life has blossomed into a daily quiet time each morning as you read God’s Word. Additionally, as you go about your day, you might find yourself crying out to God for help when difficulty arises. These three examples of prayer represent wonderful opportunities to commune with God and bring great joy to His heart.
However, our prayer life does not have to have a beginning and an end, and it does not have to remain siloed into only a few areas of our week. Instead, think of your prayer life more like a beautiful string of pearls connecting all of the moments of your week.
Regardless of where you interact with people, at home, at work, or out and about in your community, all of these scenarios present an opportunity for prayer. So just start talking to Jesus as you go about your day. Talk to Jesus about your family and your work. Talk to Him about the unexpected people you rub shoulders with as you go about your day. Just keep talking to Jesus.
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