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Margin: The Movement From Comparison to Compassion

"As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭12‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

Series: Margin: Finding Fruit in a World Driven by Progress

Devotional: 2 of 5

Progress is a thief. Slowly, over time, we have allowed the enemy of our souls to fill our hearts with an unquenchable desire for more and more of everything, faster and faster, robbing us of any available margin--margin that is necessary to remain within healthy boundaries in our relationships, our schedules, and our finances.

One of the primary tactics that progress uses to rob us of the necessary margin that we need to stay within healthy boundaries is comparison. Comparison is a subtle trap that causes us to take our eyes off Jesus and to begin to gaze longingly at the lifestyles of those around us. Potential seeds of comparison are planted in our minds as we come and go in our neighborhoods, engage in conversation with our co-workers, and scroll through social media. In much the same way that we inflate a balloon with air, comparison, when given room to grow, has a way of expanding until it has taken up all of the available margin in our relationships, our calendars, and our budgets. Comparison, when fully mature, causes us to say yes to people, opportunities, and desires of the flesh that God never intended us to step into.

In order to restore margin in our relationships, calendars, and finances, we need to embark on four movements of the Holy Spirit. Here is the first: the movement from comparison to compassion.

Colossians 3:12 reminds us, "As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience." As followers of Jesus, we are called to be His hands and feet in a lost and hurting world. Responding with compassion to the needs of those around us requires availability. Many people today genuinely want to give of their time, talents, and treasure but lack the necessary margin to do so. If our calendar is overflowing with commitments, how can we respond with kindness to the spontaneous needs of our neighbor? If all of our time is invested in keeping up with the lifestyles of our neighbors, how can we mentor the next generation of Christ's followers? If there is no money left over in our bank accounts at the end of the month, how can we give generously to advance God's Kingdom?

Today, as you go about your day, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal one next step you can take to move from comparison to compassion so that margin might be restored. Perhaps you might begin by writing down the answers to the following questions in your journal. "Who am I comparing myself to?" "What relationships, activities, or financial commitments have I said yes to that prevent me from responding with compassion to the needs of those around me?"

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