Shutting Off the Fire Hose of 24/7 Information

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;” Proverbs‬ ‭2‬:‭6‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

Series: Practicing Sabbath in an Age of Busyness

Devotional: 2 of 4

Over the next three weeks, we will attempt to expose three lies that play a notable role in shaping today's current culture of busyness. Each lie is like a clump of weeds growing on the surface of our minds. Weeds that, if not identified early and often, have the potential to take up residency in our hearts. Here is the first:

Lie #1: Our value as a person is directly proportional to the knowledge and expertise we have obtained throughout our lives.

Whether through the formal education we have received, the hobbies and interests we have pursued, or the always-on stream of news we have consumed, the enemy of our souls is hard at work weaving this lie into the fabric of the knowledge we take in.

If this lie is allowed to grow in our hearts, knowledge becomes something we must take in at a debilitating rate to prove our worth to ourselves and the world around us. The more knowledge we consume, the more we feed the lie, allowing it to drive us deeper down the rabbit hole of busyness.

In an effort to replace the lies of the enemy with the truth, the Holy Spirit is actively reforming how we think about the knowledge we take in. The truth is that knowledge is a gift given to us from the One who calls us His Beloved. Like any gift we receive from the Lord, our role is to steward what we have been given with humility and grace.

The Sabbath offers us a weekly rhythm to lay down our pursuit of knowledge at the feet of Jesus. Here, the Spirit reminds us that it is "the Lord who gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding;" (See Proverbs‬ ‭2‬:‭6‬ ‭NRSV‬‬). In practice, keeping the Sabbath offers you and me a chance to shut off the fire hose of 24/7 information coming at us. In this place, we can rest in the truth that any knowledge or expertise we have been graced with is a gift from above.

Today, take a few minutes to consider how Jesus might be inviting you into a weekly rhythm of Sabbath, allowing you to pause the flow of information in your life so that you can rest more deeply in Him.

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Examining Our Thinking on Productivity and Efficiency


Practicing Sabbath in an Age of Busyness