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Why Solitude and Community Are Vital to Becoming More Like Jesus

“And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,” Matthew‬ ‭14‬:‭23‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

Series: Spiritual Disciplines 101

Devotional: 4 of 4

Last week, we looked at how practicing a variety of Spiritual Disciplines (categorized by abstinence and engagement) helps us train our mind and body to fight against the patterns of sin in our lives.

Today, we will consider the role of Spiritual Disciplines in our formation from a second vantage point. Instead of categorizing the disciplines under the headings of abstinence and engagement, we will look at them through the lens of solitude and community.

Close your eyes. Take a minute to let your mind settle down. Now, picture a greenhouse. When you imagine your greenhouse, what do you see? By most definitions, a greenhouse is a temperature and humidity-controlled structure that provides an ideal environment for various fruits, vegetables, and other plants to grow. Similarly, the pillar disciplines of solitude and community provide the necessary space and a controlled environment for various Spiritual Disciplines to thrive and grow.

Many disciplines from the Way of Jesus would likely wither and die apart from the protection of solitude. Here are three:

#1 Silence: Carving out daily time for the discipline of solitude creates an environment where true silence can be fully experienced.

#2 Meditating on Scripture: Day and night, we are called to fix our minds on God's Word so that we may live in accordance with the Way of Jesus. (See Joshua 1:8) Meditating on God's Word is best experienced under the covering of solitude and silence.

#3 Journaling: The regular practice of journaling helps to get all the thoughts, emotions, and ideas stuck deep in our hearts out in the open. Journaling creates space to process and work out what is happening in our hearts. It is a safe place to put words to how you and I feel on the inside and then offer those words to God.

Similarly, some disciplines are best experienced in community. Here are three that we would do well to lean into:

#1 Sabbath: Every week, we are given the opportunity to come together with friends and family to celebrate the goodness of God. Under the safety of community, we can openly share the moments of joy and struggle from the week gone by. We learn to rest and delight in God's presence on the Sabbath.

#2 Worship: Scripture repeatedly calls us to come together as the body of Christ, His Church, to worship Him together.

#3 Service: Even in the face of great suffering and struggle, the Apostle Paul, "according to God's commission," continued to serve the church in Colossae faithfully. (See Colossians 1:25) Like Paul, we have been called by God to serve the needs of those He has strategically placed in our everyday lives.

As you go, consider how God might be calling you to make space in your life for both solitude and community. Both are vital in our pursuit of becoming more like Jesus.

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